Wheatfields Junior

Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School


Head Teacher Awards

Year 3:

Ollie for contributions in class discussions and for great work in Reading comprehension.

Jesse for enthusiasm in learning, and a happy attitude in the classroom.

Jake for enthusiasm and class contributions in Maths.

Lilly for always checking my work for errors and for helping her learning partner.

Harry for attention to detail in grammar, and spotting the object and verb in other lessons too. Also, focus on and improvement in handwriting in all lessons.

Alma for attitude to learning, and being a supportive, thoughtful learning partner.

Khadijah and Isaac for showing a real improvement in Reading. Little and often, each day, has made such an improvement.

Nancy for persevering in Maths, she has made huge strides in her Maths.


 Year 4: 

Lauren for striving to do her best at all times, and for lovely art homework.

Florence for her brilliant Maths, focus in class and lovely art homework.

Willow for always being quietly focused, for her fabulous Maths and for lovely art homework.

Anabelle for her super art work and her diligence in class.

Chloe for always being delighted to help, for great organisation and for always trying her best.

Charlotte for her fabulous computing this week, especially her use of photo editing skills.

Connie for her hard work in all lessons, but especially Maths. Always persevering.

Athena for working hard in all lessons, particularly Maths. And for her lovely singing during rehearsals.

Tom for his amazing hard work in DT, creating a brilliant puppet.

David for a super effort on his homework, creating a lovely backdrop.

Oscar for great work on TTRS, and also in rehearsals.


Year 5:

Ava, Frankie and Charlie for doing so much work on their Maths last week. Excellent dedication to improving their Maths, well done.

Jack for exceptional effort in Foundation subjects. Taking pride in all his work.

Eryn for an excellent attitude to learning, and for sharing lots of great ideas with the class.

Roham for superb writing – using everything in our success criteria.

Sufyan for the breath of his writing. He produced an impossibly sad, and yet hugely optimistic biography to find a balanced argument, full of facts and evidence.

Emmeline for her work at home.  She came up with two great extra facts for our balanced argument from her reading at home.


 Year 6:

Ibrahem for his dedication to TTRS.

Kat for being a kind and focused learning partner.

Sultaan for his excellent work in gymnastics.

Joshua and Selena for achieving their highest ever score in the weekly arithmetic test. They work hard in their Maths lessons, which has shown in their scores.

Emma for perseverance and wanting to learn and improve. Excellent attitude to learning.

Theo for the assembly on Dyslexia, also for making a huge effort in all lessons, and in homework club.


Head Teacher Awards Academic Year 2024-2025







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