Wheatfields Junior

Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School

Absence & Illness


To report an absence on a given day please email the school office using absence@wheatfieldsjm.aetrust.uk before 9.30am.

If you need to request an authorised absence in advance then please complete the Absence Request Form and return to the school office with as much notice as possible. You will then receive a reply from the headteacher.


If returning children to school later in the day, they must be signed in at the office.

Should children have one of the childhood diseases such as chicken pox, German measles, measles or mumps, please seek advice from the GP and/or the school office regarding their return to school.

When collecting children during the school day, parents should wait at the office. Children are not allowed to leave school unattended during the school day and they must be signed out and seen by a member of staff when leaving.

Medicine in school

It is not normal procedure for medicines to be administered in school. However, in certain circumstances, where it is deemed essential, it may be possible. In such cases the Parental agreement for setting to administer medicine  form must be completed. No medicine will be administered by school staff unless it is prescribed by a doctor, or accompanied by a letter from a health professional (e.g. doctor, nurse, pharmacist). However, we would prefer that parents/grandparents arrange to come into school at the appropriate time in order to administer it. Most antibiotics can be administered three times a day outside school hours.