Wheatfields Junior

Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School


The progress of every child is carefully monitored throughout the school year and intervention is put in at the earliest stage of difficulty in any areas of learning.

The class teacher will ensure that the work is at an appropriate level for all children in the class and direct children to additional support as necessary. Mrs Laura Jablowski (Inclusion Leader) oversees inclusion matters for the whole school. The Inclusion Leader will work with class teachers, parent/ carers, children, teaching assistants and other professionals to help any child who is in need of additional support in their learning or development.

School staff may seek your co-operation in calling for additional help for your child from resources outside the school, should the need arise.

Our Wellbeing Mentor
In some cases, it may also be recommended that your child receives some additional support from our Wellbeing Mentor, Mrs C Murison. She is able to provide support and guidance to pupils who may be experiencing some social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Mentoring helps children to understand themselves and their feelings in order to help remove barriers to learning.  Further information can be found here

If you would like to discuss any concerns or gain support in order to help your child be they social, academic or physical needs - please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or email Mrs Laura Jablowski. Please note that Mrs Jablowski is based at school on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. For urgent matters, please contact the school office.

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Hertfordshire Local offer- useful resources for parents  Websites for Parents/Carers

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