Wheatfields Junior

Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School

Parental Engagement

 Can you help to support learning and enrichment at school?


We are very aware that we are privileged to have the support of our wonderful school community and we are keen to harness your expertise as a resource to enhance our children's learning.  We would be very appreciative if you could take a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire so that we can collate a 'skills bank' to draw upon.  It is always fantastic for the children to have visitors into school and for them to be inspired by you.  Thank you for your help. 

Click here to complete parent offer of help questionnaire

Parent Spelling Workshop 

 Please find the slides and information given at the recent Parent Spelling Workshop below:

Parent Spelling Workshop

Smartphone Free Information 

 Please find below information from the recent Smartphone Free Childhood initiative and results from the recent Smartphone Free Childhood parent and carer questionnaire:



Year 6 Careers Fair  - Parent Volunteers

In the Autumn term we held our annual Careers Fair for Year 6. The children spent time talking to our volunteers who were predominantly parent volunteers, who shared information about their professions and how they entered into their line of work. Our volunteers included a GP and an A&E consultant, a solutions architect, a tutor, someone from the Environment Agency, a translator, an editorial solicitor, a management consultant, a psychotherapist, a solicitor and representatives from Balfour Beatty construction. 


 The children were able to connect their learning to the jobs they were hearing about and benefitted from learning about a range of different fields of work that they were not necessarily aware of. Some feedback from the children included: ‘It was interesting that she used the characters from Inside Out to help people understand their feelings’ ; ‘I didn’t realise that a writer has their work looked at so that people don’t write things that are not true’ ; ‘I liked hearing about how robots were being used in construction’; ‘I didn’t realise there were so many other jobs to help people.’

Thank you so much to everyone who gave their time to come along and inspire the children.

Parent Maths Workshop

Our Maths workshop has always received positive feedback from parents who have attended.  We aim to show how your child approaches mathematical concepts in school so that you are able to support them at home.  Parents are introduced to the concrete resources we use and ways children are taught to solve problems. Click here to see the slides from our most recent workshop.


 Parent / Carer Book Look Session

Come along and spend some time with your child sharing the work in their books and their classrooms that they are very proud of.  This is a lovely opportunity for you to look at what your child has been learning and discuss with them what they have enjoyed and learnt over them term.