Wheatfields Junior

Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School Life at Wheatfields Junior School

Welcome to the Governors Page

The Governing Board of Wheatfields Junior School is made up of parents and members of the community. Our vision for the school is that every child achieves their full potential academically and emotionally, and that achievements are celebrated at all levels.

 Together with staff representatives, the twelve of us are accountable for the educational and financial performance of the school. In a creative and challenging partnership, we support the Headteacher and staff across the range of their responsibilities by:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Monitoring and evaluating progress towards meeting the school’s priorities and targets
  • Holding staff to account for the progress, attainment and wellbeing of children of all abilities throughout their time at the school
  • Ensuring that the school’s money is well managed and spent
Governor Biographies Governor Attendance
Governor Membership Governor Declarations

 The Full Governing Board meets at least once a term and this is supplemented by regular meetings of two key sub-committees; Quality of Education and Resources. The focus for QE is the curriculum, assessment and the whole range of issues around the children’s classroom experience. For Resources, the primary focus is the budget and the management of the school estate. The minutes of Full Board meetings are available from the school office for anyone to view, on request. Email admin@wheatfieldsjm.aat.school 

 If you are interested in joining us a governor, please reach out to the chair of governors via the school office, and they will be in touch with you to discuss current vacancies and talk about the role.

Governor Visits 

In addition to committee membership, each Governor takes a particular interest either in an aspect of the curriculum – English, Maths, Science for example – or in other key areas of school life such as SEND, Safeguarding and Health and Safety. In all cases, we aim to develop a close relationship with staff responsible for each of these areas and reports on this work are tabled at the Full Board meetings or one of the committees. 

Once a term, Governors go into school for a morning to meet staff, visit classrooms to see teaching and learning in action, look at children's work and talk to them about their learning and other aspects of school life. These are valuable and informative occasions for Governors and give us a more informed view of how the school is performing. Reports of recent visits are available below.



Governor visits 2022





 Visit Reports 

Governor Day Visit Report- November 2024

Adaptive Teaching Visit Report - March 2024

Computing Visit Report- March 2023

Reading visit Report -November 2022

Writing and Foundation Subjects Visit Report  - May 2022

Inclusion Visit Report - June 2022

Maths Visit Report - November 2021

Getting in touch

There may be times when you are unhappy about a school issue and want to bring this to our attention, or to make a complaint. If you do, please raise your concern in the first instance with the school by talking with your child’s teacher, or with the Headteacher. We are confident that the vast majority of concerns can be resolved in this way but if you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, you can contact the Chair of the Governing Board. In this case, please contact the office staff who will pass on your details to the Chair.